Sport Center Verge del Carme – Beteró


The Poliesportiu Verge del Carme-Beteró (PVC-B) is a public sports facility of the Municipal Sports Foundation of Valencia (FDM), whose management depends on the Hockey Federation of the Valencian Community (FHCV), because the main and most numerous activity is the practice and field hockey events.

The mission of the PVC-B is the planning, development and evaluation of the activities that are carried out in it, for this, promotes and encourages the practice of field hockey and its events, as well as the other sports that have a place in the center. The maintenance and improvement of the facilities is also part of its mission, as well as ensuring the functional and economic viability, trying to find a balance with social and sporting profitability. To achieve these purposes, the sports center organizes, develops and promotes a range of sports and complementary services in which the aim is to achieve user satisfaction by achieving high quality standards through the efficient management of resources. Therefore, achieving the welfare of users, contributing to the improvement of their quality of life and responding to their needs is a priority, always from an integrating point of view in which the sports center, formed with qualified and committed professionals, is an element of social structuring for the neighborhood.


Carrer de Campillo de Altobuey, 1,
46022 València